* Family & Children's Concert Entertainer and Recording Artist (12 Albums)
* GRAMMYⓇ Winning Producer, Parents' ChoiceⓇ Gold Award & NAPPAⓇ Gold Awards
* Multiple Award Winning Song Writer, Musician & Producer
* Recording Project Developer, Producer, Songwriter & Creative Director
* Seminars on Professional Development & Music Marketing Consultant​

The beat goes on...
Select and Enjoy"Steve Pullara
& His Cool Beans Band"on Pandora, iTunes, Spotify and Streaming all
major Services. Also, you can ask Alexa & Siri too! They'll be happy to
assist you!
* GRAMMY Winning Producer, Parents' Choice® Gold Award, NAPPA® Gold Awards
* Family & Children's Concert Entertainer and Recording Artist (14 Albums)
* Multiple Award Winning Song Writer, Musician & Producer
* Recording Project Developer, Producer, Songwriter & Creative Director
* Seminars on Professional Development & Music Marketing Consultant​
* Award Winning Graphic Designer And Professional lllustrator
2017 NAPPA Award, 2018 Parents' Choice Recommended Award and Hot Diggity Audio Award Children's Album goes to
Click our album covers to hear these albums
and view their many reviewson their websites!

2018 NAPPA Award, 2019 Parents' Choice Recommended Award & Hot Diggity Award
Winning Children's Album
"Kitty Cat Under My Wheelchair"
as seen below can be heard with it's review page
by clicking its album cover.
Cool News!
Top photo & bottom photo,
plus album cover on the right both are
© 2 017 & © 2 018 Cher Baldanza

Send us your fan photos for our ongoing concerts gallery!

"Butterflies Wear Sneakers" is a NAPPA
Award Winner for Children's Music
Click the album photo
on the left to hear the
music link and read the reviews of Steve's children's/family album Butterflies Wear
Sneakers. Released in 2015 receiving a NAPPA Award,
Its song "More Teeth Missing" made DJ playlists
and a country music chart
After celebrating its 10th year anniversary, Steve Pullara's popular and multiple award winning Cool Beans Band album ZOOBOOGIE is still a fan fave!
Click the album photo
on the left to hear the music link and read its reviews.
Click here to view
or here to view

Illustration copyright 2016 Steve Pullara

GREAT NEWS: Steve's music is being played in family friendly radio programs all over the world both
internationally and domestically.
Some Concert Reviews...​
Nancy Sabino, Eventure Inc.:
Question: How does one pull children away from video games?
Answer: Have Steve Pullara bring his song and art to an audience of children and the parents end up having as good a time. Thank you, Steven, this was a wonderful afternoon for the students of Hope Academy.​

Tom Pivinski, Asbury Park, NJ, Community Development:
The Hope Academy kids went on a surprise world tour yesterday with Steve Pullara. Using his songs and instruments, Steve took the kids to Africa, Peru, the west of Native America and back home to Asbury Park. He had them in the palm of his hands and they loved every minute of his magical journey. And just when they thought he was done, Steve showed them how to use the alphabet to draw just about anything they'd ever want or imagine.​
Many more concert reviews are available under the tab above labeled "Bio & Awards."

​Steve Pullara​ And His Cool Beans Band

"Guess Who's Coming Home" was promoted
between programs on these station streams.
"An A Cappella Family" Children's Album is a
2020 NAPPA Award & Hot Diggity Audio Award
Winning Children's Album.

Click the arrow below to purchase
ALL ABOUT BU LLIES...BIG AND SMALL. It will take you to the sales page.

Steve Pullara is a GRAMMYⓇ Winning producer and multiple award winning children's recording artist. He was the lead producer and chief writer who envisioned, initiated and coordinated the GRAMMY Awarded Best Children's Album "All About Bullies... Big And Small." This innovative and creative children's recording was also awarded the Parents' Choice Ⓡ Gold Award , The NAPPAⓇ Gold Award and was cited by the U.S. Congress. Steve assembled 37 artists, invited 4 producers and coordinated the team who volunteered pro-bono to create this landmark album for children. At this website, you can read more about this CD and many other award winning albums he's created. Simply click the "Biography" & "Albums" tabs which are located up top.​
"All About Bullies... Big And Small" is a very significant Children's Family Recording that deals with an important subject. It's a fun and substantive album that will have all ages playing their favorite tracks over and over again. Both parents and their kids will agree! :-) Please share this recording with your families and recommend it to your teachers, students and libraries. 100% of this album's net profits are donated to "Pacer Kids Against Bullying" at the "National Bullying Prevention Institute." Learn all about this organization and what they do for kids being bullied. Paste this link into your browser: www.PacerKidsAgainstBullying.org
Steve Pullara's children's recording projects and career have merited
recognition from these organizations and periodicals:


Steve Pullara's banjos
are endorsed by the:

Publicity by:

"Steve Pullara and His Cool Beans Band" have provided over
20 years of Children's Family Friendly Concerts!
For bookings of this band or Steve Pullara solo call:
215-675-7743. www.CoolBeansMusic.com
As a children's recording artist, Steve Pullara of Cool Beans Music
is a long time Associate Member of the Fraternal Order Of Police.
The FOP actively supports legislation and all law enforcement
efforts on a local, state and national level.
Steve Pullara, ASCAP
P.O. Box 2091
Warminster, PA 18974
Cool Beans Music® is a registered U.S. Trademark owned by Steve Pullara.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Text, page designs and images owned by Cool Beans Music Ⓡ are copyright 2019 Cool Beans Music, inc.

Steve Pullara & Cool Beans Music® ​
Resume', Booking, Concerts, Albums and Info

Steve Pullara has been heard on WXPN-FM Kids Corner,
Sirius XM Radio and many more!